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Asking price
Referans numarası 1069-1039
Çalışma Saati Uygulanabilir değil
Ana Kategori
Metal işleme makineleriKategori
Borular, çubuklar ve profiller için çekme, bükme ve doğrultma makineleriMakine tipi
Boru bükme makineleriİmalatçı
HESSE by SAHINLERTeknik veriler
- neu
- ca. 10 Wochen ab Auftrags
- Türkei
- 51000 €
- 1025.1 €
- 120 mm
- 390 mm
- 3
- 15 kW
- 2/7,5 m/min
- 125x25 mm / 1.200 mm; 30x
- 200x50 mm / 1.000 mm; 100
- 65x65 mm / 750 mm; 20x20
- Ø 80 mm / 850 mm; Ø 20 mm
- Ø 160x4 mm / 2.800 mm; Ø
- 120x40x4 mm / 1.800 mm; 3
- 90x90x5 mm / 1.800 mm; 30
- 120x120x12 mm / 1.200 mm;
- 100x100x10 mm / 1.200 mm;
- UPN 220 / 1.000 mm; UPN 1
- UPN 220 / 1.200 mm; UPN 1
- IPN 220 / 1.000 mm; IPN 8
- 2000 mm
- 1650 mm
- 1900 mm
- 4770 kg
3 rolls driven (hydromotor and planetary gearbox) shafts made of special steel,hardened and ground hydraulic adjustment of the 2 lower rolls hardened universal rolls lateral rolls hydraulic adjustable in 3 axes horizontal and vertical operation mobile operating panel 2 working speeds digital read out (3 axes) machine and equipment accordingto the CE regulations user manual in GERMAN and ENGLISH WE HAVE MORE THAN 210 REFERENCES! This ad was created with MODUL MWS - the software solution of LogoTech.Eyalet
HESSE + CO Maschinenfabrik GesmbH şirketinden daha fazla makine