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Referans numarası 18647
Üretim Yılı 1983
Çalışma Saati Uygulanabilir değil
Ana Kategori
Metal işleme makineleriKategori
Torna TezgahlarıMakine tipi
Mekanik torna tezgahları ve hassas torna tezgahlarıİmalatçı
SCHAUBLINTeknik veriler
- Centre height
- 150 mm
- Distance between centres
- 600 mm
- Swing over cross-slide
- 177 mm
- Swing over bed
- 340 mm
- Swing in gap
- Turning length
- 600 mm
- Spindle hole
- 40 mm
- Spindel nose for collets
- B32
- Taper in spindelstock MK
- 5
- Taper in spindle:
- Camlock
- D 1-4"
- Spindle speeds:
- stepless
- from
- 55 rpm
- up to
- 3000 rpm
- Taper in tailstock:
- 5 MT
- Spindle diameter
- 60 mm
- Feeds:
- number (steps)
- 48
- length:
- from
- 0.015 mm/r
- up to
- 0.35 mm/r
- Frontal:
- from
- 0.015 mm/r
- up to
- 0.35 mm/r
- Rapid motion
- 4 m/min
- Voltage 50 Hz 3x
- 380 Volt
- Spindle motor
- 2.70 HP
- Total power required
- 6.30 HP
- Machine's weight about
- 1250 kg
- Overall dimensions machine:
- Length
- 1730 mm
- Width
- 970 mm
- Height
- 1300 mm
- Various accessories:
- 3-jaw chuck
- Coolant system
- Quick closing attachment
- Quick-change toolholder MULTIFIX
- Set of steel holders
- Lamp
- Drilling tailstock
Centre latheEyalet
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