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VDF DUE 800 / 3000 Lathe , Drehmaschine , Draaibank
Bu Makine hakkında bilgi iste
Asking price
Referans numarası 3544
Üretim Yılı 1982
Çalışma Saati < 1
Ana Kategori
Metal işleme makineleriKategori
Torna TezgahlarıMakine tipi
Kurşun ve besleme vidalı tornalarİmalatçı
VDF BoehringerTanım
Swing over bed Ø 820 mm
Swing over cross slide 515 mm
Distance between centres 3000 mm
Work piece weight 1200 kg
Spindle bore 128 mm
Spindle speeds / ranges 1400 Rpm
Bed width 560 mm
Power 30 Kw
Length 7000 mm
Width 1900 mm
Height 1800 mm
Used VDF Boehringer DUE 800 lathe for sale. This lathe has a diameter of 800 mm and a turning length of 3000 mm
www.mach4metal.comMakine aksesuarları
Swing over bed Ø 820 mm
Swing over cross slide 515 mm
Distance between centres 3000 mm
Work piece weight 1200 kg
Spindle bore 128 mm
Spindle speeds / ranges 1400 Rpm
Bed width 560 mm
Power 30 Kw
Length 7000 mm
Width 1900 mm
Height 1800 mm
Used VDF Boehringer DUE 800 lathe for sale. This lathe has a diameter of 800 mm and a turning length of 3000 mm
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